Thursday, 30 June 2016

September exams

Os recuerdo que, hay que acudir al centro en la fecha y hora publicada en la web del centro con las tareas ya hechas y las revisaremos allí.

Copia de la información que está colgada en la web del instituto:

Para consultar el material con el que se ha trabajado en clase, los requisitos y los criterios de calificación de cada una de las tareas, deberá acudirse al blog de la asignatura en el siguiente enlace:
Para consultar las tareas pendientes, los alumnos deberán acudir a su correo electrónico en gmail, donde encontrarán la relación de las mismas y algunas recomendaciones, en un correo personalizado.
En caso de duda, puede conectarse con la profesora de la asignatura mediante el mismo correo electrónico.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Phishing and Spam IQ Quiz

SonicWALL has published a fun, informative quiz to test how well you distinguish between email schemes and legitimate email. Check it out at

Monday, 6 June 2016

Tasks to review (3rd "Evaluación" assignments)

1st Bachillerato TIC
Please, check that you have done everything before Friday 10th 23:55 h.
  1. Prezi about "Software" on your blog
  2. Thinglink (personal one) on your blog. If you have not done it yet, better use one of the options of
  3. Thinglink about "IT safety" on your blog.
  4. Peer-assessment of the other teams' Thinglink. DONE
  5. Self-assessment of your team's Thinglink (you should have received an email with the rubric as a form to complete).
  6. Connected (the game). Play and publish a new post on your blog with your username and score (or a screenshot with your score highlighted).
  7. Digital Identity Investigation about your classmates. Google Drive Presentation (private, remember you have to invite me so I can check it).
  8. "Social Networks and Chats" Form: "¿Te enredas en las redes sociales?
  9. Linoit: "¿Cómo te comportas en Internet?. Use postits to describe how you behave.
  10. MEME: Publish it on your blog, on our collaborative Padlet and (optional but rewarded) on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram with hashtags: #RedConsejos and #SaramagoConsejos.

4th ESO Informática
Please, check that you have done everything before Friday 17th 23:55 h.
  1. Prezi about "Software" on your blog
  2. Thinglink (personal one) on your blog. If you have not done it yet, better use one of the options of
  3. Thinglink about "IT safety" on your blog.
  4. Peer-assessment of the other teams' Thinglink. DONE
  5. Self-assessment of your team's Thinglink (you should have received an email with the rubric as a form to complete).
  6. Connected (the game). Play and publish a new post on your blog with your username and score (or a screenshot with your score highlighted).
  7. Digital Identity Investigation about you and your classmates:
        a) Digital Identity Sheet completed
        b) A post on your blog telling everything your have done using the digital identity sheet.
  8. "Social Networks and Chats" Form: "¿Te enredas en las redes sociales?
  9. Linoit: "¿Cómo te comportas en Internet?. Use postits to describe how you behave.
  10. Create a MEME: Publish it on your blog, on our collaborative Padlet and (optional but rewarded) on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram with hashtags: #RedConsejos and #SaramagoConsejos.
2nd "Evaluación"- Some of you have to complete the Operating Systems homework on Padlet.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


What is a 'Meme'? 
A "meme" is a virally-transmitted cultural symbol or social idea. A meme behaves like a flu or a cold virus, traveling from person to person quickly, but transmitting an idea. 
Historically, a meme is a discrete "package of culture" that would travel via word of mouth, usually as a fascinating story, a fable/parable, a joke, or an expression of speech. Today, memes travel much faster than simple speech. As internet email forwards, instant messages, and web page links, memes now travel instantly via the Internet.

We are going to transform PROVERBS or a SAYINGS into Digital ones.


The process could be as follows:
  1. Choose saying. 
  2. Adapt it to the new forms of communication. 
  3. Choose a free image rights. In this way you can get them from:
  4. Make the meme. You can use:
  1. Share it on the padlet at the bottom. You will find there some examples. Do not forget your name and course.
  2. Share it on Instagram, Twitter and/or Facebook with the hashtags: #RedConsejos and #SaramagoConsejos.
  3. Share it on your blog.