Thursday, 30 June 2016

September exams

Os recuerdo que, hay que acudir al centro en la fecha y hora publicada en la web del centro con las tareas ya hechas y las revisaremos allí.

Copia de la información que está colgada en la web del instituto:

Para consultar el material con el que se ha trabajado en clase, los requisitos y los criterios de calificación de cada una de las tareas, deberá acudirse al blog de la asignatura en el siguiente enlace:
Para consultar las tareas pendientes, los alumnos deberán acudir a su correo electrónico en gmail, donde encontrarán la relación de las mismas y algunas recomendaciones, en un correo personalizado.
En caso de duda, puede conectarse con la profesora de la asignatura mediante el mismo correo electrónico.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Phishing and Spam IQ Quiz

SonicWALL has published a fun, informative quiz to test how well you distinguish between email schemes and legitimate email. Check it out at

Monday, 6 June 2016

Tasks to review (3rd "Evaluación" assignments)

1st Bachillerato TIC
Please, check that you have done everything before Friday 10th 23:55 h.
  1. Prezi about "Software" on your blog
  2. Thinglink (personal one) on your blog. If you have not done it yet, better use one of the options of
  3. Thinglink about "IT safety" on your blog.
  4. Peer-assessment of the other teams' Thinglink. DONE
  5. Self-assessment of your team's Thinglink (you should have received an email with the rubric as a form to complete).
  6. Connected (the game). Play and publish a new post on your blog with your username and score (or a screenshot with your score highlighted).
  7. Digital Identity Investigation about your classmates. Google Drive Presentation (private, remember you have to invite me so I can check it).
  8. "Social Networks and Chats" Form: "¿Te enredas en las redes sociales?
  9. Linoit: "¿Cómo te comportas en Internet?. Use postits to describe how you behave.
  10. MEME: Publish it on your blog, on our collaborative Padlet and (optional but rewarded) on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram with hashtags: #RedConsejos and #SaramagoConsejos.

4th ESO Informática
Please, check that you have done everything before Friday 17th 23:55 h.
  1. Prezi about "Software" on your blog
  2. Thinglink (personal one) on your blog. If you have not done it yet, better use one of the options of
  3. Thinglink about "IT safety" on your blog.
  4. Peer-assessment of the other teams' Thinglink. DONE
  5. Self-assessment of your team's Thinglink (you should have received an email with the rubric as a form to complete).
  6. Connected (the game). Play and publish a new post on your blog with your username and score (or a screenshot with your score highlighted).
  7. Digital Identity Investigation about you and your classmates:
        a) Digital Identity Sheet completed
        b) A post on your blog telling everything your have done using the digital identity sheet.
  8. "Social Networks and Chats" Form: "¿Te enredas en las redes sociales?
  9. Linoit: "¿Cómo te comportas en Internet?. Use postits to describe how you behave.
  10. Create a MEME: Publish it on your blog, on our collaborative Padlet and (optional but rewarded) on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram with hashtags: #RedConsejos and #SaramagoConsejos.
2nd "Evaluación"- Some of you have to complete the Operating Systems homework on Padlet.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


What is a 'Meme'? 
A "meme" is a virally-transmitted cultural symbol or social idea. A meme behaves like a flu or a cold virus, traveling from person to person quickly, but transmitting an idea. 
Historically, a meme is a discrete "package of culture" that would travel via word of mouth, usually as a fascinating story, a fable/parable, a joke, or an expression of speech. Today, memes travel much faster than simple speech. As internet email forwards, instant messages, and web page links, memes now travel instantly via the Internet.

We are going to transform PROVERBS or a SAYINGS into Digital ones.


The process could be as follows:
  1. Choose saying. 
  2. Adapt it to the new forms of communication. 
  3. Choose a free image rights. In this way you can get them from:
  4. Make the meme. You can use:
  1. Share it on the padlet at the bottom. You will find there some examples. Do not forget your name and course.
  2. Share it on Instagram, Twitter and/or Facebook with the hashtags: #RedConsejos and #SaramagoConsejos.
  3. Share it on your blog.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Protecting yourselves on Social Networks

Update 5 June 2016, on Expansion:
Siete formas de recuperar parte de la privacidad que te ha robado Zuckerberg
"Facebook, Instagram y WhatsApp se han convertido en una tríada imparable que se ha colado en tu día a día casi sin que le dieras permiso, pero quizás quieras ocultarles ciertas cosas y controlar, en la medida de lo posible, lo que saben de ti."
Read the article to know how.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


How can I protect my digital identity?
You can protect your digital identity on the Internet by being alert to scams, employing strong passwords, installing anti-virus and anti-spyware software and keeping it up-to-date and checking your settings in your social networks accounts and your operating system. But, there are still more things you can do.
Think twice!
Hold on a minute. Before you post that image, blog or tweet, consider the content. If it breaks even one of these rules, think really hard about putting it out there!

Send a picture to someone via email/snapchat/instagram that you wouldn’t want your teacher, boss, principal, or grandma to see!
Sure you are sending them to your good friend or significant other. But what happens when that person is no longer your best friend? Or maybe their phone gets nabbed by someone with less morals.
The online proof: There are many sites that allow people to submit naked photos of their exes. I have taken down the links because they are NSFW (Not Safe for Work) and a breach of privacy.

Post personal information that is not readily available 
Think about the last time you had to recover a password online. Was the question: Pet’s name, childhood street, kid’s birthday or mother’s maiden name? Make sure that kind of information stays private and don’t use it for the actual passwords.
The online proof: Here are the most common and hackable passwords.

Announce when you are going away 
Yes, your friends are excited that you only have 3 more days until you leave for Hawaii! But so is the guy that has been staking out your house.
The online proof: The website is a collection of data from various social sites that tells you who is away. This one is for educational purposes but ....

Underestimate what your device or computer already knows about you 
All online content is tagged with metadata which contains anything from the timestamp it was created to the location. You cannot see the metadata when you post but simple free software can pull it for someone else. Be wary of geotagging on mobile devices, which marks where you took the photo.
The online proof: Check out I know where your cat lives for a series of random cat pictures pulled off the Internet and then tagged to the location where they were taken using hidden metadata.

Forget to set your privacy settings 
Not only should you check your settings at the outset but you should recheck them frequently. Facebook, for example, uses an ‘opt out’ policy which means that by default you are sharing more information until you go in and update those settings. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook or join our mailing list to get those updates sent to you.
The online proof: Here is a fantastic infographic that shows how Facebook privacy settings have changed and what data is now available if you haven’t updated them.

Post negative comments about your highschool/workplace or classmates/teachers/coworkers
Even if your teacher, boss, classmate or coworkers are not able to see your comment, a future employer could see that comment and reconsider hiring you later. Even with privacy settings set, you are at the mercy of our online friends not to share.
The online proof: Here are examples of people actually fired due to their social post.

Post photos of your friends that break the first rule
It is a great photo of you. So what if your friend is doing something in the background that would tarnish their reputation? If you tag them, your friend can remove the tag, but unless the photo violates terms and conditions (allowing a site to pull it down) only you control the permissions on that photo. Put yourself in their shoes (and hope they would do the same). This goes double for pictures of underage kids. If the child is under 18, you technically need the parents permission to post it.
The online proof: This article talks about the inability to remove someone else’s photo.

Use the same password for every account
I know it is a pain to remember different passwords for all of your sites but it is an even bigger pain if someone hacks in to one of your accounts. Are you using the same password for your social networks, banking, or online shopping? If a hacker finds just one instance of your password then they will now have access to everything.
The online proof: Here is just one example where hackers breached the Adobe database and were able to access users’ Facebook accounts because the email-password combinations were the same.
Binary tatoo tips. Adapteded

Link to infographic

Monday, 9 May 2016

Digital Identity

After these tasks...
How are you defining YOUR digital identity?

Our digital identity, or tattoo, is the permanent collection of data about us that is available online. Each time we post a picture, a blog, a status or a tweet, we are adding to that digital identity. As more online applications become part of our daily lives, our digital identities become increasingly more detailed. There are over a billion pieces of content added to Facebook every day! 
But it is not only what you do but what others do!

Sharing every detail of your lives online is a great potential risk. 

What does our digital identity say about us? Who is reading this information? Who is storing this information? What are they doing with it? What impact will it have on our future? What does it say to future employers? The Dean of Admissions? Our descendants? Your insurance company?


Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Digital Identity sheet and tasks

For your tasks: link to digital identity sheet

Your task:
4th ESO 
Write a post on your blog, using all the information you have discovered about you and your classmates. Use your "Digital Identity sheet" and the 4 steps you have followed. If you use images to illustrate your post, remember you have to use CC or Public domain licensed images.

1st Bachillerato
Create with your partner a collaborative presentation on Google Drive with the results of your investigation. It has to be private and do not forget to invite me.
When you finish, publish a post on your blog with the link to that PRIVATE presentation.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Digital Identity. What about you?

What do others see about you on the Internet?
To be sure that you are viewing your public profile, log out of your social networks before (Facebook, for example), or go to a new browser, and you will see exactly the same as a stranger will in them.

Write exactly your full name. Use the quotes. I mean, write into the Google search box "Federico Garcia Lorca" and "García Lorca, Federico". You will see how you find results about you, or at least, about people with the same name.

What does Google know about me?
Now, logged in your Google account, write "¿Qué sabe Google sobre mí?

Go to the link highlighted and check the results from the 6 links you are provided. Surprised?

Let's control what Google shows about us
Go to Check and edit. Protect your personal information!

How to stop Microsoft spying on us?

Cómo evitar que Windows 10 te espíe por computerhoy


Así utilizan tus datos Facebook, Google, Apple y Microsoft. News

Digital Identity. Investigation

Let's investigate about our digital identity!

What can I find about my classmates?
We are going to investigate about your classmates. Use:
- Google Search. Write exactly a full name. Use the quotes. I mean, write into the Google search box "Federico Garcia Lorca" and "García Lorca, Federico". You will see how you find results about your classmate, or at least, about people with the same name.
- Log in your social networks and continue with your investigation.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Rubric to assess your IT Security Thinglink presentation

Here you have the link to the Thinglink rubric for 4th ESO and 1st bachillerato. We will use a similar one for 1st Bachillerato.
Review the rubric carefully before, during and after the creation of the ThinkLink presentation, to ensure that all intended elements of your ThingLink have been represented and all other criteria have been met.
We will use this rubric for:

  • PEER-ASSESSMENT (after your presentations in class)

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Connected, again

Link to original image on Pixabay CC
Read again (and listen!) this article: ONLINE SAFETY. May be you want to include something more in your thinglink task.

Now, we are ready to play a new version of the game in English and, may be, win a wonderful technological prize this time.  
Click on the image to begin:

"Connected" is an on-line game for 14-16 years old students.

It is a virtual treasure hunt (gyimkhana) conducted by the FAD (Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción) in collaboration with Google, and the participation of Twitter, which deals with the use of new technologies and Internet.

Players will run with a robot and overcoming obstacles, tests and quizzes will transform the robot into a human being.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Proyecto Voluntariado Centro Municipal de Mayores

Centro Municipal de Mayores 'Reina Sofía'
Calle del Mayor 1 (antigua calle Mieses)

Ejemplos de blogs:

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Thinglink: Make your images interactive!


Take a look at how I've used this image with Thinklink:

I've used: plain texts, images, links, videos, google docs...

  1. Now create your own account, 
  2. Upload an image an learn how to make it interactive.

What is a Computer Hardware Engineer?

This interactive image has been created with Thinglink:

Begin at the top-left icon and continue clockwise.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Reviewing hardware and software vocabulary and content

Hardware and operating system

Is it operating, utility or application?

Operating Systems
An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory, processes, and all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's "language." Without an operating system, a computer is useless.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Rubric to assess your Software Presentation on Prezi

Here you will find the rubric done in a Google Drive spreadsheet for 4th ESO. It will be the same one for 1st Bachillerato. This is the way your Prezi about software is going to be assessed. So, check it carefully!

Friday, 29 January 2016

Prezi - Presentations


Prezi is a presentation software that uses motion, zoom, and spatial relationships to bring your ideas to life and make you a great presenter. It uses a zooming user interface (ZUI) which allows to display and navigate through information. 


Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Popplet - Mind Maps
Examples of mind maps:

  1. Create an account on
  2. Create a new Popplet.
  3. Add "popples" to your Popplet.
  4. Add pictures, drawings, and videos to your Popplet.
  5. Add a collaborator to your Popplet.
  6. Share or embed your Popplet.